Easy Kale Salad

If you despise kale then this recipe is for you. This salad will change how your feel. I promise.

I have a love affair with kale that started because of this simple and easy kale salad.Ā I honestly could eat this salad everyday. Probably several times a day, and I still wouldn’t tire of it.

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Vegan Cocoa Smoothie

An easy five-minute breakfast? Sounds good! An easy breakfast my kids will actually eat without complaining? Sounds amazing! Sign me up.

This has been my go-to smoothie lately. I usually make it when I need to head out the door quickly, but I also love it as an occasional evening treat. The cocoa nibs and cocoa powder give it that rich chocolately flavor without being overly sweet.

Plus it is packed with healthy fats from theĀ almond butterĀ and coconut oil, so it leaves meĀ feeling satisfied for hours. Eating and then being hungry an hour later is really defeating!

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