Eat too many donuts? Get back on track after you overeat

Get Back on Track After You Overeat

You planned to have one donut. Instead, you dove headfirst into the box. Having one donut turned into having, well, a lot more than one, and you are feeling disappointed, defeated, and bloated.

Where do you go from here? Is all your progress ruined? Should you just “throw in the towel” because you already fell off the wagon? No!

Stop, collaborate, and listen (or just read) as I have a few tips on to recover when you go off the rails.

5 Tips to Get Back on Track After You Overeat

  1. Drink Water. A lot of water. Down it like it’s your job! Hydrating your body will help to flush out the extra sodium, it will help with digestion, and it will help quench any residual cravings that are lingering.
  2. Move your Body. I don’t mean go punish yourself at the gym for hours or do crazy cardio workouts until you drop. I mean moving your body in a healthy and intentional way. Go for a walk, lift some weights, do some Pilates. A little sweat ‘sesh’ is a great way to make your body, and your mind, feel better.
  3. Let it Go. You can’t move forward by looking in the past so just Elsa that donut, meal, or day and “Let it Go“. One event is NOT detrimental to your health. It is the cumulative effect that matters. If you had an off day, just move on.
  4. Check Yourself on Why you Wrecked Yourself. While beating yourself up over what happened yesterday never does any good, it is helpful to assess and learn from it. Check to see what caused you to go wild on the donuts. Did you not drink enough (WATER!) in the morning? Did you not eat enough and you were starving? Were you stressed and eating was comforting? Learn what triggered the eating so you can be more aware next time.
  5. Eat Whole Foods. Nothing supports your body better than giving it some good ‘ol nourishment. Make your next meals count. Select some delicious fruits and veggies and flood your body with micro nutrients.

Most importantly: Remember that it is progress, not perfection when it comes to eating healthy and maintaining a realistic lifestyle. We should be able to enjoy fun foods without those foods throwing us into a tailspin.

If you have your own ways you get back on track after you overeat, please share them! Comment below and let me know!