Avoid Binging on Halloween Candy Featured Image

How to Avoid Binging on Halloween Candy

Ever tell yourself you won’t eat any of your (kid’s) Halloween candy, but 30 minutes later you’re surrounded in piles of empty wrappers? You couldn’t avoid binging on Halloween candy again. You feel defeated, disappointed in yourself, and upset that you “fell off the wagon”.

Sugar is a drug, plain and simple. It lights up the pleasure zones of our brains and keeps us coming back for more. Followed by some more.

So how do you get through Halloween without binging on all the candy like a kid dressed up in a Scoops Ahoy uniform from Stranger Things?

Here are my Top 3 Tips to Avoid Binging on Halloween Candy:

  1. Buy the type of candy you don’t like. I don’t mean you love Reese’s and you buy Hershey’s instead, that is too similar. I mean you like Reese’s, and buy Good ‘n Plenty. (Ugh, they are so bad. How are they still selling them?) Or, maybe even take it one step further and get yourself some Circus Peanuts. (Do those still exist?)
  2. Don’t buy the candy until right before Halloween. This will accomplish two things. First the candy won’t be in the house for you to access, and second only the unappetizing candy no one wants will be left at the store. Its a win-win!
  3. Move or hide the candy. If you have already purchased your monster-sized bag of deliciousness, don’t worry, there is still hope. Place the bag in a location that is hard to access. Maybe high up in the pantry where you need to really make an effort to get to it.

Bonus tip (This is actually the best tip)

Just eat some of the candy. There is room in your life for joyous food that doesn’t always align with your wellness goals!

If you want to eat some candy, give yourself permission to eat it! Select a few pieces and ENJOY! Sit down and really be intentional about eating it with NO GUILT! This is what I tell all my clients, and that is what I am suggesting to you too.

Our all or nothing mentality is restrictive and harmful to our mental state. I don’t know about you, but as soon as someone tells me I shouldn’t have something I want it. So tell yourself it is perfectly okay to have some candy. Just not a Good ‘n Plenty or Bit ‘o Honey…gross.

Comment below and let me know your favorite – and least favorite – candy! Do you have any of your own tips to avoid binging on Halloween candy? Does anyone actually eat Candy Corn?