Eating Less, Exercising More, and Not Losing Weight? Here’s Why.

You’ve been told for years. “Just eat less and exercise more. That’s the best way to lose weight.” Sound familiar?

Sure a calorie deficit works in the short term. You can easily drop a few lbs, but does that work long term?

The answer is big fat “NO”.

The Problem with Restriction

Under-eating wreaks havoc on our bodies. We NEED food to fuel our bodies so we can support our hormones and metabolism. When we are constantly in a state of under nourishment by restricting calories our bodies fight back in a big way.

As a result, our hormones get out of whack (hello thyroid and adrenal issues), our metabolism slows, and we become exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally. Our stress hormone, cortisol, increases and we start to see fat sneak into areas where is has never been before. (Oh look, back fat! Lovely.)

As a society we have a diet culture that tells us we need to follow extreme eating plans. They’ll tell you, “If you aren’t losing weight, it’s your fault because you aren’t disciplined enough.” They expect you to go harder, and do insane workouts to get results (no thanks, I’ll pass).

This needs to stop. This is NOT the answer.

If this isn’t the right way, how do we lose weight?

We need a plan that makes us feel full and nourished. Without deprivation. No being hungry, or hangry!

And for the love, no quick fixes that cost a ridiculous amount of money. We already feel bad about ourselves, let’s not add insult to injury by racking up credit card debt ordering miracle fixes that won’t last.

Here is what finally worked for me.

  1. Learning to eat whole foods, and lots of them. Combing the right amount of macros (protein, carbs and fats) was key.
  2. Applying Carb Cycling where you eat an intentional amount of higher carbohydrates and lower carbohydrates on certain days.
  3. Intermittent Fasting which focuses on windows of eating and non-eating.
  4. Exercising strategically to burn fat and build muscle (but nothing crazy ladies, I am talking 20-40 minute workouts).

All of this combined together is powerful! You can balance hormones, increase metabolism, have more energy, lose fat, and increase muscle mass.

Discovering this combination was more exciting than when I found out the Hallmark Channel had a mobile app (and let me tell you, that was pretty darn exciting).

How Do I Get Started?

You don’t have to do it alone. Connect with a group. Join a community of of women (and men) who are eating more food than ever, have more energy, and are losing fat effortlessly.

Ready to follow a plan that works? Join my Wait List for my next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. Each round is a 7 week online program where I teach you how to combine your macros (proteins, carbs, and fats), how to safely implement intermittent fasting, and how to cycle your carbs to obtain the results you want. You deserve this. #ditchthediet