Etta Marie’s Story: Part Four

Previously in Part Three of Etta Marie’s Story

After years of having unexplained high fevers coupled with severe joint pain, Etta was finally diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF). The recommended treatment involved injectable biologics that came with a large amount of side effects.  Before we put Etta on these drugs, we wanted to make sure it was the right thing to do. Were there any other alternatives? Continue reading

Why I was the Best Mom Before I had Kids

Before I had kids, I knew my children would be well behaved all the time. I just knew it.

I envisioned random people in the store would stop me and comment on what “little angels” they were. Other parents would BEG me for parenting advice. “Renee, your kids are amazing! How do you do it? Please tell us your secret!” I actually had visions like this. But reality is much different. Continue reading

Etta Marie’s Story: Part Three

Previously in part two of Etta Marie’s Story…..

Etta had been having episodes of high fevers coupled with joint pain, mouth ulcers, and stomach pain for over two years. After hearing “it’s just a virus” we decided to seek the help of a specialist. Our first specialist was not overly helpful with a diagnosis. However, she suggested we have lab work conducted both during and after a fever episode. Continue reading

Etta Marie’s Story: Part One

We are a pretty happy and healthy bunch in our household. Life is good. My husband and I love our careers. We (usually) enjoy being with our kids. Our family of five is active, energetic, and generally full of fun. But it wasn’t always this way. In fact it was quite the opposite.

A few years ago our oldest daughter, Etta Marie, was very sick and no one (including a ton of specialists) knew what was wrong. This is the Part One of her story (AKA How my daughter’s sickness led to our family’s health). Continue reading

DIY Peppermint Candy Ornaments

DIY Peppermint Candy Ornaments

I have seen DIY Peppermint Candy Ornaments on several Pinterest boards. I thought they looked easy enough, so we gave them a try today. I love doing simple homemade crafts with my kids for several reasons. First off,  if they are helping me then they aren’t making a mess elsewhere. Secondly, I want to create memories for them which involve crafty things. I have so many great memories of doing crafts with my mom and I want my kids to have the same.

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